It has been five years since the launch of Tobacco Prevention and Cessation, under the auspices of the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP). Initially developed to be a valuable medium to inform public health professionals and academics who work, or are interested, in the field of tobacco control, the journal has grown into a significant source of information for all stakeholders. Over these past five years Tobacco Prevention and Cessation has published over 216 peer-reviewed articles, 11 editorials, 3 policy case studies, numerous letters, a special issue on Vape Shops in the US, and 295 abstracts of the proceedings of four ENSP annual conferences.

The full texts of published articles have been viewed more than 200,000 times, and saved more than 20000 times in pdf format. In response to the indepth peer review process, Tobacco Prevention and Cessation has a rejection rate of 72%, ensuring that only the most relevant articles of quality research are published. The quality control and professional approach are reflected in the journal being indexed in PubMed and Scopus, and included in the Web of Science Expanded Citation Index.

These remarkable achievements would not have been possible without the support of our international Editorial Board of experts in the field and the many dedicated Peer Reviewers of the journal. It is essential that we also express our gratitude to our Authors who trusted the journal with the publication of their contributions to research on combating tobacco use. There are still many challenges ahead of us in the field of tobacco control, and only by working together can we combat the ‘pandemic’ of tobacco use that kills millions of people each year.